1. Involve Local Communities
Create Primary Resposne Teams made up of local community volunteers.
Awareness programs in schools and communities.
Awareness programs in communities on the importance of saving our tigers.
2. Human Animal Conflict
Creating a Rapid Response Team with a professional Veterinarian to address any casualties to animals
Compensation to the affected family
Compensation for cattle
Awareness in villagers on how to tackle such situations
Providing solar lights to villages
Relocation of the animal in conflict
3. Protecting Buffer Zones
Relocation of Villages to prevent encroachment of buffer zones.
Stopping highway construction through forests.
Stopping Illegal mining and Timber trade in Forest Areas which lead to erosion of Forest corridors
4. Modernizing Forest Department
Providing raincoats and jackets
Providing bicycles
Providing basic gears like compass, torch, GPS, Shoes, Bakcpack, First-aid kit, wireless sets, water bottles, etc.
Providing Gigital camera, Camera traps, solar integrated system, GPS and wireless systems, etc.
5. Anti-poaching
Setting up of a Tiger Protection Force to check poaching.
Fill up Forest Guard Vacancies for better control and monitoring over the poaching issue.
Equipment provision & Training to Forest Guards to face challenges and tackle poachers.
Adequate compensation to villagers to stop revenge killing.
6. Political parties accountable
Signature campaigns
Making political leaders sign Tiger agenda
Assigning some state government funds for Tiger conservation projects
Declaring more national parks as Tiger Reserves
Mr. Ravi Singh
CEO of WWF India
"Mr.Ravi Singh will be glad to answer your questions regarding Tigers in India."
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